Project description
The tunnel is situated south from the Westerscheldetunnel and will provide a better connection between the harbours of Antwerp and Rotterdam. As this Channel is sailed by many Ocean Bulk Carriers the bridge is opened for 5 hours per day now. A new bored tunnel will provide a permanent available connection for the increasing (cargo) traffic. The Sluiskiltunnel is a 1600 m twin bored tunnel with a diameter of app. 11 m. and on both sides of the Channel ramps of about 300 m. The tunnel is built in soft subsoil in a poulder area. Ground conditions vary from silty sand to Boomse clay. A slurry TBM will be used in order to reduce risks during the passage of the Channel dikes and 3 railway lines. The works will be conducted under a Design & Construct constellation.
Scope of work
- Preliminary design of ramps, bored tunnels and technical installations
- Definition of employers requirements
- Cost estimates
- Competitive dialogue negotiations with contractors consortia
- Checking detailed design of contractor for ramps, bored tunnels and technical installations
- Commissioning of tunnel segments and TBM
- Construction supervision