
The Sluiskiltunnel will be built alongside the present bridge over the Channel from Gent to Terneuzen.
3d simulation of the Sluiskil tunnel

Project description

The tunnel is situated south from the Westerscheldetunnel and will provide a better connection between the harbours of Antwerp and Rotterdam. As this Channel is sailed by many Ocean Bulk Carriers the bridge is opened for 5 hours per day now. A new bored tunnel will provide a permanent available connection for the increasing (cargo) traffic. The Sluiskiltunnel is a 1600 m twin bored tunnel with a diameter of app. 11 m. and on both sides of the Channel ramps of about 300 m. The tunnel is built in soft subsoil in a poulder area. Ground conditions vary from silty sand to Boomse clay. A slurry TBM will be used in order to reduce risks during the passage of the Channel dikes and 3 railway lines. The works will be conducted under a Design & Construct constellation.

Scope of work

  • Preliminary design of ramps, bored tunnels and technical installations
  • Definition of employers requirements
  • Cost estimates
  • Competitive dialogue negotiations with contractors consortia
  • Checking detailed design of contractor for ramps, bored tunnels and technical installations
  • Commissioning of tunnel segments and TBM
  • Construction supervision

Project facts Sluiskiltunnel

  • Client
    Kanaalkruising Sluiskil (KKS) BV
  • Project duration
  • Country
  • Project phase
    Preliminary & detailed design and construction phase
  • Location
Frank Kaalberg - Senior Expert Tunneling and Deep Excavations


Senior Expert Tunneling and Deep Excavations